
Description of the painting by Peter Brueghel the Elder “Netherlands proverbs”

Description of the painting by Peter Brueghel the Elder “Netherlands proverbs”

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Bruegel's painting “Dutch Proverbs” contains more than a hundred proverbs, many of which have not been solved, and some are still used in our lives.

Art critics are still identifying many proverbs, and more than a hundred proverbs and winged expressions have already been found in the picture. We see in the center of the picture a prominent arbor in which a person confesses to the devil. At the same time, a monk nearby scoffs at Jesus Christ, giving him an artificial beard. The roof covered with pies is an illustration of the winged Paradise of Fools, and the absence of a part of the tile on it is a prototype of the modern "the walls have ears."

The man on the tower is engaged in aimless work - “throws feathers in the wind”, and his friend “holds his cloak in the wind”, that is, he adjusts his beliefs to the circumstances. A woman staring at a stork is practically a raven. There are many more interesting characters in the picture: a girl who swaddles a line with a pillow, a girl carries a smoking smut and a bucket of water, another gives her husband horns, or rather covers him with a blue cloak, one person tries to open his mouth wider than the pipe, that is, overestimates his capabilities ... And many, many others matching proverbs, phrases, and expressions.

In general, the purpose of the author of the picture was not just to collect many proverbs on one canvas, but also to condemn stupidity, destruction, immorality. Most proverbs ridicule or reproach people with various vices: gluttony, stinginess, lust, pride, etc. All this folklore panorama is a skeptical criticism of the artist’s contemporaries, which is not imposed on the viewer, but is shown in the actions of people in the picture, most often quite ridiculous, along with ordinary villagers.

To finally make it clear how exaggerated and at the same time closer to reality the composition, the author draws an ordinary globe, however inverted, symbolizing the inversion of the world and the onset of chaos on the basis of what has already managed to shake normal life.

Thus, Bruegel conveyed numerous folklore art in his picture, and also expressed his discontent, exposing as much as possible visual forms many vices and problems of that time.

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