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Description of the painting by Pavel Fedotov “The picky bride”

Pavel Andreevich Fedotov painted the canvas “The Picky Bride” in 1847. The canvas tells the viewer a whole plot. This is facilitated by the deliberately prim atmosphere of the room, unnaturally emotional expressions of the faces of the acting hero and some comic nature of their positions. A middle-aged lady sits elegantly in the center of the picture, her courteous indulgence and deceptive doubt are depicted.
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Description of the painting by Vladimir Makovsky “Politics”

Makovsky was a true master of everyday paintings. He depicted each scene with humor, but at the same time, all the artist's works are imbued with a deep meaning. We see two men who are sitting and talking about something. More precisely, they do not even just talk, but argue. On one person a dandy outfit is enough, which is complemented by a cylinder.
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Description of the painting by Stanislav Zhukovsky “July Night”

The picture is impressive. At first glance, the landscape is unremarkable. But the painter managed to notice a secret in everyday life. He not only depicts what he saw, but also puts his feelings. We look at nature through the eyes of Zhukovsky himself. On the left is a house. A lone window burns in it. It seems that it has absorbed the colors that the summer sunset gives us.
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Description of the painting by Nicholas Roerich “The Works of Our Lady”

For many years nothing was heard about this picture. Art critics have already begun to think that this beautiful painting was lost forever, but in 2013 the painting was at one of London's auctions. It turns out that the painting was at the disposal of a private American art collector for a long time. In fact, there are 3 copies of this painting, written by the great artist Roerich.
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