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Description of the painting by Giotto di Bondone "Kiss of Judas"

The Florentine painter Giotto di Bondone was one of the first artists to portray Judas the traitor. His painting of the Padua cycle “Kiss of Judah” is a vivid example of this. This famous painting tells the contemplator about the confrontation between good and evil, the greatness of the soul and meanness. The whole background of the canvas is a dark blue sky, to which spears and lighted torches are lifted.
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Description of the painting Arkady Rylov "House with a red roof"

The picture of the famous artist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries Arkady Rylov “A house with a red roof” is incredibly festive and emotional. Rylov's canvases are distinguished by their brightness and originality. His landscapes, including “Green Noise”, “Autumn Landscape” and others, convey the pristine beauty of nature in Central Russia.
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Description of the painting by Zinaida Serebryakova "Self-portrait with two daughters"

Zinaida Serebryakova is one of the first Russian women painters to write themselves in the history of painting. Her work, which did not come under any influence, is quite independent and distinctive. The picture "Self-portrait with daughters" was written quickly, easily. The impression that two little daughters, having seized the moment, clung to their mother when she decided to take a break, in a work shirt and with tassels in her hands.
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