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Description of the painting by Jerome Bosch “Carrying the Cross”

Bosch is one of the masters of the Northern Renaissance, whose style is still difficult for experts to determine. They say that he was a madman or a sectarian. That with his paintings he described black magic, which he was engaged in or which he had witnessed. Or that he was a surrealist, splashing images onto the canvas directly from the subconscious - often his name pops up with the name of Salvador Dali.
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Description of the painting by Alexander Ivanov "Bathsheba"

Bathsheba was a beautiful name, and this woman was just as captivatingly beautiful. It is mentioned in the pages of the Bible. The second Jewish king, David, once walked around the territory of his palace, going to the roof, his eyes were attracted by Bathsheba bathing in the neighboring garden. The man was fascinated by the undisguised beauty of an unknown woman.
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Description of the painting Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin "Apples"

Petrov-Vodkin rightly believed that the artist should be able to convey objects as accurately as possible. They are the initial basis of any image. The artist was sure that it was necessary to convey not credibility, but a certain essence. You should also hone the ability to understand the relationship of objects in space.
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