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Description of the painting by Viktor Vasnetsov “The Three Princesses of the Underworld”

Viktor Vasnetsov painted this picture under the order of Savva Mamontov, who at that time held the post of chairman of the board of the Donetsk railway. The plot of the canvas is allegorical. Fairytale princesses are the embodiment of wealth hidden in the earth. In the traditions of the Russian people there were only two princes - gold and precious stones (in some sources it is called copper).
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Description of the painting by Henri Matisse "Dance"

Matisse's work is a significant phenomenon of French art of the early twentieth century. His style was different from the classic familiar compositions. Contemporaries were dumbfounded by the novelty, the riot of colors, the power of emotions that evoked his paintings, which called the artist "wild." With a light hand, the term was attached to the artistic movement “Fauvism”, the basis of which was laid by Matisse and his associates.
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Illustration for Pushkin's poem The Bronze Horseman by Alexander Benois

Artistic illustrations by Alexander Benois to this day are considered the best image of Pushkin's works. Benoit began work on a series of works for The Bronze Horseman in 1903 and in order to achieve such perfection he needed to spend 20 years. During this time, the artist drew a whole cycle of intros, endings, sketches and interpretations of the story.
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Description of the painting by Vasily Surikov “Enisey near Krasnoyarsk”

If in Russia there was and is Mother Volga, then in Siberia there is and will be Father Yenisei. This is no less full-flowing river and no less severe. This is a purely Siberian river, but the truth is significantly inferior in length to the Volga. But on the other hand, Yenisei is a wayward interlocutor. In the spring, he can so walk around that he won’t show up a little.
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